Future of Internet Television

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Group Members:

Introduction of "Internet Television"

Research Questions


Current Situation

General Idea

Marketing analysis

  • SWOT analysis normal TV and Internet TV?
  • Are people ready to accept Internet TV?
  • How large is the current market? what are most potential audience’s ages? locations? their expectations?
  • what is the bottleneck in the current web technology to realize internet tv?
    there maybe some problems, like bandwidth, continuity of streaming?


  • Advertisement How does it work in normal TV? How will it work in Internet TV?
  • Is possible to explore other profit sources?
  • How is the current expense? Broadcast station’s cash out flow’s direction.
  • How about future profit/expense.
  • Interactive advertising


  • What will happen with the “normal” TV if the Internet TV successes?
  • What will happen with the key players of the normal TV?
  • Conflicts with the government
  • what is the impact of globalization. pros and cons?
  • what are other barriers in the way of migration?
  • Intellectual property? Creative Common, DRM?
  • what is the rime we expect to make Internet TV form a large enough popularity?
  • what is the potential route from nominal TV to Internet TV?

Media mix

Driving Forces

System Diagram

Messy Diagram.JPG

The Scenarios

Scenario Making

add Issue/Scenario table here

Scenario 1: Internet TV with us of the traditional distributor

IPTV-Scenario 1.gif

Scenario 2: Internet TV dominantion

IPTV-scenario 2.jpg

Scenario 3: Co-exist

IPTV-scenario 3.jpg

Scenario 4: The same TV industry structure

IPTV-scenario 4.jpg