Virtual classrooms

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Technological driving force of The Future of Technology in Secondary Education in 2020


The Global Virtual Classroom is a free online educational program to promote communication, collaboration and understanding among students around the world. The Global Virtual Classroom (GVC) project is a collection of free, on-line educational activities and resources. It aims to complement the efforts of governments and education departments around the world to integrate technology into their classrooms and curricula and to link their schools to the information superhighway. The GVC vision is to empower, enable and connect students around the world using Internet technology. It aims to provide students the opportunity to develop three skills that are essential in the 21st century:

  • Cross-Cultural Communication
  • Collaboration
  • Computer Skills


  • Broadband
  • Development of technologies
  • Media rich learning


  • Schools or countries with limited access to internet are not able to use it effectively
  • Complex or incomplete platforms


With a virtual classroom it is possible for students around the world to share information and knowledge. For schools information is more accesible and can be distributed more easily. Teachers can also communicate with each other and share information. By having virtual classrooms at every school or just available online, people will acknowledge that sharing information is vital for improving the education system.

WEB Resources: