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Ron Sneijers (ronsneijers@hotmail.com)
Ron Sneijers (ronsneijers@hotmail.com)
==Object of the future==
[http://scenariothinking.org/wiki/index.php/Ron_Sneijers Shanghai Tang]
==[[Future of Workspace]]==
===Current landscape===
How mobile is the European workforce? The following facts and figures give a general overview of current situation in the EU labour market.
*[[Job-to-job mobility]]
*[[Geographical mobility]]
*[[Cross-border workers]]
*[[Foreign language learning]]
*[[Skills & labour shortages]]
*[[Free movement and enlargement of the EU]]
Source: http://europa.eu.int/comm/employment_social/workersmobility2006/fact_figures_en.htm
===Driving Forces===
*[[European Labour Market]]
*[[Business in Society]]
*[[Aging Europe]]
===Research Questions===
Related to "Political and Legal" matters:
*[[What are the effects of unequal minimum wages between European countries on the workspace?]]
*[[How can you find harmony between European countries on regulations and legislation concerning the workspace with respect to country's sovereignty?]]
*[[What’s the role of the European Union on the workspace? How can they support it and how can they thwart it?]]
*[[How will political/international relations affect the future workspace?]]
*[[What sorts of initiatives are being carried out by other governmental institutions around the world?]]
*[[Legal and regulatory constraints on the application and implementation of a future workspace]]

Revision as of 09:53, 11 April 2006