Switching from School Education to Family Education

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Parents now prefer their children learning from homes to the traditional school, as school education is perceived not adequate for better livelihood. Much of the teaching done by parents and teachers are at consultancy level to help when need arise. This idea has penetrated and become an issue to almost every single family. With globalization and life time learning, family education is more important. The $100 laptop is a good tool of interactions between children and parents as the distance between the parents and children is narrowed and the parents can use this laptop to find the children’s personal interest and what they cherish. The computers and laptops are now cheaper and at the same time learners can even study from home in their native languages. The laptops also enable support for ongoing teacher professional development, peer-to-peer support, the development of communities of learners and teachers, and local content creation and sharing.


*  Facilitating learn ship and exchange of educational materials
* Government support
* The multi-media are playing an important role
* The online learning system revolutionalising the learning platform of education.
 * Availability of most powerful tools for knowledge creation, development, and discovery to children and their teachers 
 * Children can go far beyond the usual curriculum and also learn to care for and repair their computers.


  • Time to teach children by parents
  • Teachers may be reluctant to go home
  • Not all parents are good
  • Hinders the spirit of socialization
  • Disregards opportunities for children simulation
  • It has been logistically impossible to create such learning environments except for elites


We recognize that the intellectually handicapped child has learning needs which are different from those of his or her age-mates of average intellectual ability, and the further such a child is from the average the more we acknowledge that he or she needs a special educational setting.


  • Miraca U.M. Gross

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