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Gronoski hopes to be treated seriously
New England Patriots near Termond Rob Gronkowski is considered to be the strongest offensive weapon in the superblock. In recent weeks, people are always discussing whether Gronoski is the strongest near-end. And this discussion also commented by several players from Seattle Hawks, gradually warmed. However, ravens jerseys china Gronos Based people didn't catch a cold for such discussions.

The local time Wednesday, Gronoski said: "I think people underestimate the work of players in the game. In order to give good performance in the game, they need to work hard in the usual training. I mean Yes, some people are accustomed to the success of the players as being born. But the truth is that the players have been trying to change. As a player, we really have done a lot from life, from life Training, ordinary people don't understand this. "

Gronoski said it is very reasonable, but this still can't prevent fans from discussing him. How can he get the achievement when retiring? At present, he is in the near-end of the actual duty, and the total number of buses is ranked third, cheap stuff from china free shipping second only to Fernon Davis and Jason Witten. If Gronoski can remain healthy, the state will continue longer, then he will have the opportunity to overtake Tony Gonzalez in the future.