Key players
The key players in the future television industry can be IT companies, Telecom Company, and broadcasting company. IT companies like Joost and Hulu allied with broadcasting companies such as CBS, FOX and their cable networks to offer streaming video of TV shows and movies has earned primary success recently. Most of these companies are free and ad-supported. When the internet television technology is not the main bottleneck, the number of users will increase then the contents and value-added services that the service suppliers could offer will become growing critical. Their clear value chain (users-advertisers-content suppliers) makes it possible to get financial support from large enterprises, then developing in a virtuous circle.
Besides collaborating with IT companies to offer online contents, broadcasting companies can also team up with television manufactures to develop televisions that can play streaming videos, at the same time, broadcasting companies can work with semiconductor company like Intel to support the development of digital terrestrial TV receiver solution for PCs. As the control the source of contents, they can be the key players in this area. Tele companies play an important role in IPTV which enjoy a sustainable market share.
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