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Useful vectors include, for example, plasmids (e.g., DNA plasmids or RNA plasmids), transposons, cosmids, bacterial artificial chromosomes, and viral vectors. The nucleic acid cassette contains the gene of interest, e.g., a CAR. 44(2):283-92, and Kozak, 1987. Nucleic Acids Res. Viral particles will typically include various viral components and sometimes also host cell components in addition to nucleic acid(s). The term "vector" is used herein to refer to a nucleic acid molecule capable transferring or good sex positions transporting another nucleic acid molecule. The sense strand need only be sufficiently complementary with the antisense strand to maintain the overall double-strand character of the molecule. Moreover selfishness and acquisitiveness as human character may not be the dominant characters of human beings and inequality based on class and gender is not necessary characteristic of human society. The positive selectable marker may be a gene which, upon being introduced into the host cell expresses a dominant phenotype permitting positive selection of cells carrying the gene. Typically, the host cell comprises the viral replication transactivator protein that activates the replicat

A: Computerized vote counting has opened the door wide, over the past 15 years, to large-scale fraud and election theft. Over time, as larger boats availed, African's proved to be the labor force of reward. Such exploits as double voting and impersonational voting are open to both parties, are at once low-yield and tremendously labor-intensive, virtually never alter electoral outcomes, and in the end, over time and space, wind up a wash. So I ask, are studs wrongfully discriminated against because they may have more male chromosomes or born with an over production of testosterone? Both refer to the male Y chromosome and the female X chromosome. Why and how, in the face of this level of risk, can we just rest easy that all is going well and fairly in the depths of cyberspace where our choices have all become 1s and 0s dancing by the trillions in the dark

Walden O’Dell, CEO of Diebold and an active Bush supporter, in 2003 penned a letter to potential donors in which he stated that he was "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the president next year." O’Dell was seen to be in a unique position to fulfill his commitment, as Diebold was the supplier and programmer of Ohio’s voting computers in E2004. Right-winger Bob Urosevich, founder of Election Systems and Software (ES&S), was also the first CEO of Diebold Election Systems (a subsidiary of O’Dell’s Diebold, Inc.); his brother, Todd, was Vice-President of ES&S. There is strong and pervasive forensic evidence that votecounts are being shifted to the right, altering key election outcomes. Q: Who are these corporations that count our votes? Yet manifestly vulnerable secret vote counting by radically partisan corporations goes merrily on its unchallenged way, pervasive red-shift disparities notwithstanding. Virtually all the vote counting equipment is produced and programmed by a few corporations with right-wing ties. Q: Is it really possible, in a major election, to "count every vote as cast

In particular embodiments, promoters operative in mammalian cells comprise an AT-rich region located approximately 25 to 30 bases upstream from the site where transcription is initiated and/or another sequence found 70 to 80 bases upstream from the start of transcription, a CNCAAT region where N may be any nucleotide. Thus, an siRNA includes a region which is at least partially complementary to the target RNA. RNA sequences with insertions, deletions, and single point mutations relative to the target sequence have also been found to be effective for inhibition. They have reached a point where nothing works anymore. Several subtypes have been described, e.g., hammerhead and hairpin ribozymes. A preferred method of delivery of a polynucleotide-of-interest that comprises an siRNA, an miRNA, an shRNA, or a ribozyme comprises one or more regulatory sequences, such as, for example, a strong constitutive pol III, e.g., human U6 snRNA promoter, the mouse U6 snRNA promoter, the human and mouse H1 RNA promoter and the human tRNA-val promoter, or a strong constitutive pol II promoter, as described elsewhere herein. In particular embodiments, polynucleotides include at least one polynucleotide-of-interest. Retroviral vectors and more particularly lentiviral vectors may be used in practicing particular embodiments of the present invent

RNAs encompass both naturally occurring miRNAs as well as artificially designed miRNAs that can specifically target any mRNA sequence. In a further embodiment of the invention, the 3' LTR is modified such that the U5 region is replaced, for example, with an ideal poly(A) sequence. Single chain antibodies may be cloned form the V region genes of a hybridoma specific for a desired target. Flow cytometry and cell sorting may also be used to isolate cell populations of interest for use in the present invention. Polypeptides of the present invention include fusion polypeptides. The Constitutional Court of Austria held, on July 1, 2016, that the mere possibility of irregularities in the counting process (counting in some places was begun before the prescribed cast of observers was present) was enough to void that nation’s presidential election results and necessitate a new election. Quite obviously, if US elections were held to such a standard, our unobservable vote counting process would foster a continual string of electoral re-dos, until it was replaced with an observable process. You have no other choice." While the privatization of the vote-counting process gives rise to a situation in which electronic thumbs on the scale could in theory be sold to the highest bidder, the manifest partisanship of the outfits that program, distribute, and service the voting equipment is far more likely to translate in practice to politically selective access or, in the language of criminologists, opportunity and means