Growing Need for Sophisticated Natural Catastrophy Management

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Breadcrumbs: The Future of Ubiquitous computing in 2025 --> Environmental: Growing Need for Sophisticated Natural Catastrophy Management


In 2006 total economic losses of natural catastrophes is estimated to reach USD 40 billion. Although the financial losses are mild compared to 2005 (USD 240 billion), more than 30 000 people lost their lives in 340 either natural or man-made disasters.

The possibilies of using ubiquitous computing to manage disaster situations are endless. Proper in-time information about coming earthquake or tsunami sent to inter-connected systems in people's homes and offices can considerably lower the risk of human casualties. Similar way can be used to effectively inform people about what to do, e.g. after chemical disaster etc. Not to mention that such information is usually available only several minutes before the catastrophy happens. The time issue is therefore crucial.


  1. High human casualties due to catastrophes (30 000 in 2006, 97 000 in 2005)
  2. Governments' involvement similar to all-EU 112 emergency number (911 in the US)
  3. Value of human life and increasing demand for security


  1. Costs of Catastrophy Management Systems
  2. Problematic cooperation with household and office ubicomp equipment suppliers




2003: 44 000 human casualties in 380 catastrophes
2004: 300 000 human casualties in 330 catastrophes
2005: 97 000 human casualties in 400 catastrophes
2006: 30 000 human casualties in 340 catastrophes

Web Resources

Swiss Re - Capital and risk management