Families who live around the minimum-income-border
Economical driving force of The Future of Secondary Education in 2020
Most countries have a minimum income for their citizens. This means that for a specific job a employer has to pay at least this wage. Most employers pay more or help their employees in other ways, but a small group lives around this minimum income. This means that they don’t have lots of money coming in, but they do have the normal amount of money going out. In the end this means they don’t have much to spend. When something is broken, like the car or the laundry machine, they don’t have the money to fix or replace it.
- Government: They can support these people so that they can live a bit easier
- Employers: They can try to raise the loans so that their employers can live easier.
- Employers: Employers that give only more money if their employees work more and harder. Or employers that pay way too late.
There is a large group of people who can barely come round with the money they get. Employers and governments can help a great lot here, but they don’t do this so much.
- Philippe van Parijs
- Martin Luther King Jr.
- Dieter Althaus
American Democratic Party wrote a proposal for the minimum income
WEB resources:
http://www.bepress.com/bis/ http://www.bepress.com/bis/
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guaranteed_minimum_income http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guaranteed_minimum_income