Curiosity to cultural differences
Current population of the world is 6,579,691,627. As you know, there are more then 6.5 billion different persons and 7 (or 6 if count America as one) continents, there are many cultures as well. And since inquisitiveness is in the nature of human being, almost everyone is curious to know about another culture and to figure out the differences among them.
factors which strengthens this driving force
- Globalization (from easier traveling, information sharing, etc. point of view)
- Increase of advertisement
- Increasing human mobility
- Increase in demand for education
- Increase in technology especially in information technology
- Increasing supply of trips in travel agencies
- Decrease in price of airplanes tickets
- Decreasing prices of internet connection
- Decrease in work load
factors which weaken this driving force
- World Unification
- Privacy Law
- Ethical issues
In order to fulfill needs of curiosity person is able through easier traveling, new technologies, especially those for communication connections to get know new cultures, to meet new people, etc. This cannot be done without interrupting person’s life and without figuring out personal privacy details.
- Managers
- Anthropologists
- Psychologists
- After WWII and economic leveling-off
- Again Big increase in traveling in 2007 after 9/11 events [1]
Web Resources:
[1]USA Today, Business travelers hit by triple whammy of rising costs, 15/01/2007,Rising travel costs