Next generation mobile devices 2015

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(下一代移动设备2015 年)

Team Composition

Focal Issues

  • users
  1. What kind of people will use mobile technology in 2015?
  2. Can mobile phones revert from being lifestyle objects to mere tools, like in their inception? In similar thinking, is the mobile phone market bifurcated (either too sophisticated and expensive, or simple and price savvy)?
  3. Designer phones adorned by famous fashion houses (Armani, Prada, Levis) are making an appearance. Are they an ephemeral fad or something permanent?

  • security/privacy
  1. What kind of security threats will be there for mobile technology (virusses, eavesdropping, ...)?
  2. Does Mobile technology pose a security threat (terrorism, difficult to trace)?

  • user interfaces
  1. What will be the effect of bendable OLED displays on mobile device design?

  • connectivity
  1. What is the potential of Wimax connection protocol for mobile handset devices? Is Mobile Wimax a possible replacement candidate for GSM networks, 2G, 3G, Bluetooth connectivity? Can it be used complementarily as a wireless backhaul technology?
  2. What is the potential of broadband connectivity on mobile devices and how does it affect the possibility of live mobile TV?
  3. Can there be selective customization in mobile devices equivalent to the computer industry (select components, enable add-ons)

  • applications
  1. What is the perceived functionality of an i-phone? Do such devices (or similar from NOKIA and Sony-Ericsson) cast MP3 devices obsolete?
  2. Will voip slowly take over the traditional mobile phone carriers?
  3. Fractal compression offers superior quality at high compression than dct-based algorithms like JPEG. Ratios of over 170:1 have been achieved for satellite imagery. Can and will fractal compression be implemented in mobile devices?
  4. What is the status of voice recognition technology on mobile phones? Will it eventually replace traditional typing and menu browsing? Can recorded messages be converted to sms form?

  • health
  1. Does the increased sophistication of connectivity networks pose any tangible health risks?
  2. Are mobile phone implants (tooth or brain) feasible, or even ethically acceptable?

  • Power
  1. All these new technologies imply increased energy consumption. Is there a more efficient alternative to Li-ion power batteries? Can it be environment friendly?