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(Driving Forces for climate change negotiations)
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=Driving forces for [[Climate Change Negotiations]]=
Increasing influence of Media
[[Expiration of Kyoto protocol]]<br>
[[Increasing influence of media]]<br>
[[Initiative from cities]]
for that matter even on climate change negotiations will only increase.
The other enablers are the other parties such as nature/social activists, experts and parties with vested (good and bad) interests who like the politicians use media as a platform to reach to the people to give out the necessary information.
Inhibitor for growing influence of media can be the media itself. One aspect which the media is yet to realize that people seeking information from them can see through the agenda which the media is trying to achieve. As long as the media remains unbiased and does the job of relaying accurate and truthful information, its influence will only grow. However, if media starts acting like any other party who has vested interests (for e.g. to have high viewership or to make money from parties with vested interests) and relays biased and manipulated information, it can only harm itself and prevent its influence from growing.
Paul Levinson (Fordham University's Chair of Communication and Media Studies) on new media influence:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqZNGYit3kY
Media influence has steadily increased since last fifty years. Specific to climate change as a topic, the key milestone dates can be summarized as follows:
From September 2006 when Al Gore released his documentary that the coverage increased rapidly and has been on that path ever since.
(Boykoff, M & Roberts, T). 2007. Fighting Climate Change: Human Solidarity in a Divided World, Human Development Report 2007/2008, http://hdr.undp.org/en/reports/global/hdr2007-2008/papers/boykoff,%20maxwell%20and%20roberts,%20j.%20timmons.pdf retrieved on 19th August 2010
Renewal of Kyoto Protocol in the year 2012
Kyoto protocol
The thirty seven countries and European community who by signing this agreement not only worked towards improved the living conditions for the people residing in those countries but also saw it as an opportunity to increase the efficiency of operations and invest in sustainable future. Thus this agreement serves these countries the best.
United States and other countries, especially the developing BASIC countries and OPEC countries, that have not yet signed the Kyoto Protocol and have been opposing the signing of the Kyoto Protocol and LCA.
Since the Kyoto Protocol was legally binding on the countries who signed it to reduce the GHG by 5% over the 1990 levels, heavy investment was made by these countries in renewable sources of energy and building a sustainable future.
Kevin Rudd (former Australian PM), Barack Obama (current president of USA), Bjorn Lomborg    (Politics Professor, Economist, Writer), George W. Bush (former president of USA): refer to the link: http://www.takeonit.com/question/193.aspx
Kyoto protocol was adopted by thirty seven industrialized nations and European community in the year 1997 and is due for renewal in the year 2012.
UNFCCC. n.d. Kyoto Protocol Section on http://unfccc.int/kyoto_protocol/items/2830.php retrieved on 19th August 2010

Latest revision as of 18:21, 12 September 2010