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Since 1996 post graduate MBA students have published scenarios on the future of the information society online as part of Daniel Erasmus's class on scenairo thinking at the various business schools in the world. These more than 60 scenarios sets are to be listed below and form a unique record of thinkig of how the perceptions of the information society evolved from a new technology, boom and bust. Many of the predictions, controvercial at their time, have proven to be accurate in retrospect.
{| width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0"
| [[Image:scenarios.jpg]]
| align="left" | On this page you will find many different examples of scenarios. The right place as well to leave the scenarios that you want others to kwow about.<br>
Links to scenarios on the internet can be found and left at the 'Scenario processes' section of the [[Scenario Thinking Portal]]. <br><br>
{| width="100%" border=1
| align="center" | <b> Upcoming Scenarios </b> <br>''coming soon''.<br><br>

If you have been involved in some of the processes, please add to this page to refect on how thinking in scenarios aided your decisionmaking since developing the scenarios.
<p align="right">''Go back to [[Main Page]]''</p>

<p><b>Information Society</b></p>
==Student Scenarios==
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/MBA98/scenmain6.htm">&#183; the information society 2005 (1998)</a></p>
Since 1996, post graduate MBA students have published scenarios about the future of the information society online as part of [http://www.danielerasmus.com Daniel Erasmus]'s classes on scenario thinking at the various business schools around the world.  There are more than 60 scenarios sets of which a selection is listed below. They form a unique record of scenario planning of how the perceptions of the information society evolved from the boom and bust of new information technologies.  Many of the predictions, controversial at their times, have proven to be accurate in retrospect. <br>
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/ideas/main.htm">&#183; ideas 2020 (1997)</a></p>
At moments when [http://www.danielerasmus.com Daniel Erasmus] is teaching a class on scenario planning, you will also find scenarios in the process of construction on this site.
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/relationships/index.html">&#183; relationships 2020 (1997)</a></p>
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/Fim_Markets/title.htm">&#183; distance education 2011 (1996)</a></p>
If you have been involved in some of the processes, please add to this page your findings to reflect on how scenario planning aided your decisionmaking process by developing the scenarios yourself.<br> <br>
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/crime/Main.html">&#183; crime 2015 (1997) </a></p>
<p><b>Internet Commerce</b></p>
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/ISP/main.html">&#183; free internet service provision 2003 (1996)</a></p>
===Student scenarios in process===
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/E-Cash/ecash1.html">&#183; electronic cash 2006 (1996)</a></p>
''In this section you will find the scenarios which this year's students are currently working on. Please don't edit if you are not on the project. But you are more than welcome to comment on them!''<br>
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/E-Cash/ecash1.html">&#183; </a><a href="http://www.dtn.net/content/RSM2002/banking/Homepage.htm">internet banking</a></p>
[[LIACS 2008 Scenarios]]<br>
[[LIACS 2007 Scenarios]]<br>
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/Telecos/start.html">&#183; telcoms 2003 (1996) </a></p>
[[LIACs 2006 Scenarios]]<br>
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/communication/home.htm">&#183; telecommunications 2015 (1997)</a></p>
[[UvA 2006 Part Time MBA Scenarios]]<br>
<p><b>Work and Organisation</b></p>
[[HSE 2005 EMBA - Seoul Korea]]
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/organisations/introsit.htm">&#183; organisations 2020 (1997)</a></p>
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/workspace/main.htm">&#183; workspace 2010 (1997)</a></p>
<p><a href="http://www.dtn.net/content/thefuture/FoBrand/index.htm">&#183; branding 2005 (1999)</a></p>
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/E-Cash/ecash1.html">&#183; </a><a href="http://www.dtn.net/content/RSM2002/communication/">interpersonal communication</a></p>
<p align="right">''Go back to [[Main Page]]''</p>
<p><a href="../DTN/FutureTV.htm">&#183; television in 2010 (2000)</a></p>
===Student scenarios from previous years===
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/broadcast/homepage.htm">&#183; broadcast media in 2007 (1997) </a></p>
''Here the finished student scenarios from 1996 onward can be found, divided by content in different categories. The same scenarios can be found classified by the year in which they were made in [[Student Scenarios by Year]]. If you add a scenario please add it in both sections.''<br>
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/Entertainment/frstpage.htm">&#183; delivery of entertainment 2006 (1996)</a></p>
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="10" cellpadding="0">
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/health/Intro.htm">&#183; health in 2010 (1996)</a></p>
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/E-Cash/ecash1.html">&#183; </a><a href="http://www.dtn.net/content/RSM2002/genetics/">genetic revolution</a></p>
<td valign="top" width="33%">
'''Information Society'''<br>
<p><a href="http://www.dtn.net/content/RSM2000/final/scenarios/childhood/index.htm">&#183; childhood freedom in 2020 (2000) </a></p>
<font size="-2">
<p><b>Industry Sectors</b></p>
[[Future of Google]] (2006) <br>
<p><a href="http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/Scenarios/Retailing/home.htm">&#183; food retailing 2006 (1996)</a></p>
[[Future of Internet Television]] (2006) <br>
<p><a href="http://www.dtn.net/content/thefuture/FoLeisure/index.html">&#183; leisure 2010 (1999)</a></p>
[[Future of the Bottom-Up Internet]] (2006) <br>
[[Future of Location Based Services]] (2006) <br>
[[The Future of WiFi 2010]] (2005)<br>
[[The Future of GRID computing 2015]] (2005)<br>
[[Internet in 2015]] (2004)<br>
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/MBA98/scenmain6.htm The Information Society 2005] (1998)<br>
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/ideas/main.htm Ideas 2020] (1997)<br>
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/relationships/index.html Relationships 2020] (1997)<br>
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/crime/Main.html Crime 2015] (1997)<br>
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/Fim_Markets/title.htm Distance Education 2011] (1996)<br></font>
'''Internet Commerce'''<br>
<font size="-2">
[[The Future of the Internet in China 2015]] (2005)<br>
[[The Future of Broadband 2010]] (2004)<br>
[[The Future of Offshore ICT Outsourcing 2015]] (2004)<br>
[http://www.dtn.net/content/RSM2002/banking/Homepage.htm Internet Banking] (2002)<br>
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/ISP/main.html Free Internet Service Provision 2003] (1996)<br>  
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/E-Cash/ecash1.html Electronic Cash 2006] (1996)<br></font>
<font size="-2">
[[Future of Mobile Business Devices in 2012]] (2005)<br>
[[The Future Role of a Mobile Operator 2010]] (2004)<br>
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/communication/home.htm Telecommunications 2015] (1997)<br>
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/Telecos/start.html Telcoms 2003] (1996)<br></font>
'''Geographic region'''<br>
<font size="-2">
[[Future of Seoul in 2015 ]] (2005)<br>
[[Future of China in 2020]] (2005)<br></font>
<td valign="top" width="33%">
'''Work and Organization'''<br>
<font size="-2">
[[Future of Workplace]] (2006) <br>  
[[The future of communication in 2015]](2005)<br>
[http://www.dtn.net/content/thefuture/FoBrand/index.htm Branding 2005] (1999)<br>
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/organisations/introsit.htm Organizations 2020] (1997)<br>
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/workspace/main.htm Workspace 2010] (1997)<br>
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/E-Cash/ecash1.html Electronic Cash] (1996)<br>
[http://www.dtn.net/content/RSM2002/communication/ Interpersonal Communication ]<br>
<font size="-2">
[[Future of Television in 2012]] (2005)<br>
[[The Future of Console Based Games 2010]] (2005)<br>
[http://dtn.info.nl/DTN/FutureTV.htm Television in 2010] (2000)<br>
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/broadcast/homepage.htm Broadcast Media in 2007] (1997)<br>
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/Entertainment/frstpage.htm Delivery of Entertainment 2006] (1996)<br></font><br>
'''Health and Pharma'''<br>
<font size="-2">
[[The Future of Hospitals in the Netherlands in 2015]](2005)<br>
[[The Future of Biotechnology for Medical Applications in 2015]](2005)<br>
[[The Future of the Pharmaseutical Industry 2020]] (2004)<br>
[[The future of Pharmaceuticals 2020]] (2004)<br>
[[The Future of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies 2015]] (2004)<br>
[[The Future of Healthcare in The Netherlands 2015]] (2004)<br>
[[The Future of HIV in South Africa 2014]] (2004)<br>
[[The Future of the Health Insurance Industry in 2010]] (2004)<br>
[http://www.dtn.net/content/RSM2002/genetics/ Genetic Revolution] (2002)<br>
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/scenarios/health/Intro.htm Health in 2010] (1996)<br>
<td valign="top" width="33%">
<font size="-2">
[http://www.dtn.net/content/RSM2000/final/scenarios/childhood/index.htm Childhood Freedom in 2020] (2000)<br>
'''Industry Sectors'''<br>
<font size="-2">
[[Future of Advertising]] (2006) <br>
[[The Future of Software Development 2010]] (2005)<br>
[[The Future of the Automotive Industry 2015]] (2004)<br>
[[The Future of Consumer Electronics 2015]] (2004)<br>
[[The Future of Container Transport in Europe 2020]] (2004)<br>
[[The Future of Banking 2015]] (2004)<br>
[[The Future of the Fertilizers Industry 2020]] (2004)<br>
[[The Future of the Heavy Building Industry 2020]] (2004)<br>
[http://www.dtn.net/content/thefuture/FoLeisure/index.html Leisure 2010] (1999)<br>
[http://ww2.rsm.nl/dtn/Scenarios/Retailing/home.htm Food Retailing 2006] (1996)<br></font>
<font size="-2">
[[The future of the global economy in 2020]] (2005)<br>
[[The Future of the Global Village in 2020]] (2004)<br></font>
<font size="-2">
[[The future of the Lowlands in 2025]](2005) <br>
[http://www.swemorph.com/pdf/epr9.pdf  Scenarios and Strategies for an Extended Producer Responsibility System]
<font size="-2">
[[Future of Intellectual Property]] (2006) <br>
[[Future of food storage in 2015]] (2005)<br>
[[The Future of Individual Mobility in 2020]] (2005)<br>
[http://www.swemorph.com/pdf/futures.pdf  Futures Studies using Morphological Analysis]. For the UN University Millennium Project.
<td valign="top"></td>
<p align="right">''Go back to [[Main Page]]''</p>

Latest revision as of 10:41, 18 July 2008

Scenarios.jpg On this page you will find many different examples of scenarios. The right place as well to leave the scenarios that you want others to kwow about.

Links to scenarios on the internet can be found and left at the 'Scenario processes' section of the Scenario Thinking Portal.

Upcoming Scenarios
coming soon.

Go back to Main Page

Student Scenarios

Since 1996, post graduate MBA students have published scenarios about the future of the information society online as part of Daniel Erasmus's classes on scenario thinking at the various business schools around the world. There are more than 60 scenarios sets of which a selection is listed below. They form a unique record of scenario planning of how the perceptions of the information society evolved from the boom and bust of new information technologies. Many of the predictions, controversial at their times, have proven to be accurate in retrospect.
At moments when Daniel Erasmus is teaching a class on scenario planning, you will also find scenarios in the process of construction on this site.

If you have been involved in some of the processes, please add to this page your findings to reflect on how scenario planning aided your decisionmaking process by developing the scenarios yourself.

Student scenarios in process

In this section you will find the scenarios which this year's students are currently working on. Please don't edit if you are not on the project. But you are more than welcome to comment on them!
LIACS 2008 Scenarios
LIACS 2007 Scenarios
LIACs 2006 Scenarios
UvA 2006 Part Time MBA Scenarios
HSE 2005 EMBA - Seoul Korea

Go back to Main Page

Student scenarios from previous years

Here the finished student scenarios from 1996 onward can be found, divided by content in different categories. The same scenarios can be found classified by the year in which they were made in Student Scenarios by Year. If you add a scenario please add it in both sections.

Information Society
Future of Google (2006)
Future of Internet Television (2006)
Future of the Bottom-Up Internet (2006)
Future of Location Based Services (2006)
The Future of WiFi 2010 (2005)
The Future of GRID computing 2015 (2005)
Internet in 2015 (2004)
The Information Society 2005 (1998)
Ideas 2020 (1997)
Relationships 2020 (1997)
Crime 2015 (1997)
Distance Education 2011 (1996)

Internet Commerce
The Future of the Internet in China 2015 (2005)
The Future of Broadband 2010 (2004)
The Future of Offshore ICT Outsourcing 2015 (2004)
Internet Banking (2002)
Free Internet Service Provision 2003 (1996)
Electronic Cash 2006 (1996)

Future of Mobile Business Devices in 2012 (2005)
The Future Role of a Mobile Operator 2010 (2004)
Telecommunications 2015 (1997)
Telcoms 2003 (1996)

Geographic region
Future of Seoul in 2015 (2005)
Future of China in 2020 (2005)

Work and Organization
Future of Workplace (2006)
The future of communication in 2015(2005)
Branding 2005 (1999)
Organizations 2020 (1997)
Workspace 2010 (1997)
Electronic Cash (1996)
Interpersonal Communication


Future of Television in 2012 (2005)
The Future of Console Based Games 2010 (2005)
Television in 2010 (2000)
Broadcast Media in 2007 (1997)
Delivery of Entertainment 2006 (1996)

Health and Pharma
The Future of Hospitals in the Netherlands in 2015(2005)
The Future of Biotechnology for Medical Applications in 2015(2005)
The Future of the Pharmaseutical Industry 2020 (2004)
The future of Pharmaceuticals 2020 (2004)
The Future of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies 2015 (2004)
The Future of Healthcare in The Netherlands 2015 (2004)
The Future of HIV in South Africa 2014 (2004)
The Future of the Health Insurance Industry in 2010 (2004)
Genetic Revolution (2002)
Health in 2010 (1996)

Childhood Freedom in 2020 (2000)

Industry Sectors
Future of Advertising (2006)
The Future of Software Development 2010 (2005)
The Future of the Automotive Industry 2015 (2004)
The Future of Consumer Electronics 2015 (2004)
The Future of Container Transport in Europe 2020 (2004)
The Future of Banking 2015 (2004)
The Future of the Fertilizers Industry 2020 (2004)
The Future of the Heavy Building Industry 2020 (2004)
Leisure 2010 (1999)
Food Retailing 2006 (1996)


The future of the global economy in 2020 (2005)
The Future of the Global Village in 2020 (2004)

The future of the Lowlands in 2025(2005)
Scenarios and Strategies for an Extended Producer Responsibility System

Future of Intellectual Property (2006)
Future of food storage in 2015 (2005)
The Future of Individual Mobility in 2020 (2005)
Futures Studies using Morphological Analysis. For the UN University Millennium Project.

Go back to Main Page