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In the 21st century the essence of business will not be solely based on doing business anymore. As businesses expand their global reach, and emergence of truly giant global corporations, the level of societal suspicion about big business is likely to increase. Furthermore, as the Western economy is shifted towards a knowledge based economy it mainly consists of knowledge workers whom personal aims and motivations are different as during the 20th century. Therefore, businesses and how they do business has to move beyond creating shareholder value.


Revision as of 18:28, 17 March 2006


In the 21st century the essence of business will not be solely based on doing business anymore. As businesses expand their global reach, and emergence of truly giant global corporations, the level of societal suspicion about big business is likely to increase. Furthermore, as the Western economy is shifted towards a knowledge based economy it mainly consists of knowledge workers whom personal aims and motivations are different as during the 20th century. Therefore, businesses and how they do business has to move beyond creating shareholder value.


o Aging population
o Worldwide and higher lifelong education
o Increasing racism in Europe and America
o My job is not the only thing in my life ANYMORE!!!!
o Low cost of Internet Connections
o Increasing Use of e-Commerce


o Blurring boundaries between responsibilities and laws
o Butterfly effect
o Discontinuities in demographics and resources
o Growing safety, security concerns; sensitivity to risk
o Rising inequality
o Shifting values, social norms
o Ubiquity of technology







Web Resources:

The Economist Survey: Corporate Social Social Responsibility http://www.economist.com/surveys/displayStory.cfm?story_id=3555212