Object of Future
Intelligent Dressing Room
Together with Intel, IBM, T-Systems and more than 60 other cooperating partners from the IT and consumer goods industries and the service sector the METRO Group is developing feasible concepts for the trade of tomorrow.
Metro Group showed the intelligent dressing room , part of its Future Store Initiative, in the 20th CeBit, which was held in Hannover, Germany.
The intelligent dressing room will scan your measurement and display how you will look like on a projection screen. You can see the 3-D effect of how you look like on the particular cloth you choose.
1. http://news.com.com/2061-10801_3-6048705.html
2. http://tech.163.com/06/0313/22/2C4M894U00091MBF.html
3. http://www.techiediva.com/weblog/2006/03/trying_on_cloth.html
4. http://www.futurestore.org