Research question - communication 2015

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1. Are different technologies going to converge? (cable, wifi, Win Max,...)?

2. As access to the Internet becomes virtually free, will communication/entertainment become a commodity? If so, how will providers differentiate their products? For what will people be prepared to pay extra?

3. Which trend can be identified in social behavior?

Two possible trends

1- People, mainly reach people, with easy access to technology will move out of the crowded cities preferring remote and quite area. In this case technology would change the concept of proximity not only between families and community but also within family members

 a. The concept of family will be anyhow more and more far from the “two parents 
two children” of the last century. the relationship between adults will be
chosen rather than based on economic necessity b. Webcams might by 2020 be playing the role the telephone did in the 20th
century, a vital communication link for families who might live hundreds of
miles apart.

2- Creation of gated communities and “compounds where the knowledge and scientific workers live and work, guarded by armed security men. Outside, visible from the trains and toll-ways that link the Compounds, are the Pleeblands, where people toil, consume and exist in a state of under-educated chronic insecurity. As the hero's father explains to him, it is like a throwback to the days of castles and moated manor houses” Technology will be used to reinforce closed community inaccessible networks and to link the different communities

4. How will technology as the enabler develop? Which is the current and future number of internet provider? Which is the current bottle neck for internet? What is the current driver of internet 2nd generation? Which is the bottle neck of current technology (satellite, cable, radio)?

5. how will people choose to communicate and access entertainment

6. which will be the impact of security on communication? Will communication be put under control? Be nationalized?

Global network is becoming an essential commodity in everyday life. Everybody will be able to access and use. Its absence will be a disaster: A broad-ranging survey of technology leaders, scholars, industry officials, and interested members of the public finds that most experts expect attacks on the network infrastructure in the coming decade. Some argue that serious assaults on the internet infrastructure will become a regular part of life.

a) Nearly every piece of legislation in the past five years has gone too far."

b) The possibility of today's anti-crime legislation becoming the planks of tomorrow's repressive state increases with every rise in global tension

c) Simon Davies of Privacy International has an equally bleak take on the state of civil liberties: "The default has clearly shifted from privacy to surveillance. Almost all large government projects attempt to compromise the right of privacy. The proclaimed need for the protection of children and the fight against terrorism has often been shamelessly used as the pretext for privacy invasion."

d) All that technology will be at the service of the government, and by 2020 its use will force us to consider the delicate balance between the freedom of the individual and intrusion into our daily lives by the state.

7. With the increase availability of information will the value of communication move from the mean to its features (select information, planning, guide,…)?

8. Portable technology (e.g. mobile telephone) will become the most important object in people’s lives from which people will access the Internet, communicate, watch TV/Video, conduct banking transactions, operate security cameras at home etc…

9. What is the major driver? Technology or demand for convenience?

10. Will working practice change?

As you get back to your desk a red-tinged internal company email message flashes on your computer screen. "Analysis of your urine deposit at 11.24am shows that you have consumed excessive alcohol in the past 24 hours. This is the fourth time in the past month that urine sampling has registered you at excess of 140mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood. This is a formal company notice. You must immediately register for the company alcohol abuse management scheme. Failure to do so will result in the termination of your contract."

A Japanese company has already developed a toilet - targeted for use in large companies - that can analyse whether an employee has recently used illegal recreational drugs such as cocaine or heroin.

11. Will most work be conducted from home/via mobile technology making the need for fixed line technology superfluous?

12. If telephony goes via wifi networks and providers like skype, who will pay whom for what?

13. What will be the role of the television channels (will they pay network owners scuh as KPN etc to be broadcasted or will KPN pay them or will customers pay both the network owners and the channels)

14. How do you switch off from the connected world if you are on holiday?

15. In a world where most communication matters will be dealt with on the internet through paid for accounts, how do you continue to manage the raft of passwords and loginnames for different communication services?

16. Using technology like Google’s matching of key search terms to advertising and entertainment selection technology like Tivo will consumers be bombarded with adds.

17. Will the functionality of Vonage (map 10 phone numbers worldwide to one phone) create more international businesses?

18. What is the consequence for ISP’s if governmental organisations make available wireless internet to entire cities for free?

19. What effect will the increase of VOIP have on office life and working from home?

20. How to create a separation between work and personal communication or is there less need for this separation like is the case in China?