Research questions
Revision as of 16:49, 10 November 2004 by (talk)
Overview of research questions per Group.
Group 1
Group 2
Group 3
- Who will govern and control the internet? Will there be any laws for the internet (local/global and written/unwritten)?
- Will the internet more and more function as a forum between viewpoints and stimulate the political debate? Will it be robust enough for this function and how can misusage be prevented?
- Can intellectual property be protected on the internet in the future? If not, will this then slow innovation?
- What is the future of hacking and spam?
- How will the internet deal with the different languages in the world or will there be a dominant internet language in the future?
- How available will new technologies and internet become for all layers of society and all countries? Who will govern this spread?
- How will internet change business in the next couple of years (global vs local, small vs large companies)?
- How will companies deal with crime and security of payments to stimulate e-commerce?
- How soon will there be consistency in the global tax regime with respect to e-commerce? What impact will this have on internet business?
- What impact will telecommuting have on the economy and business?
- How fast and far reaching will the globalization of labor develop itself because of the internet, and will it ultimately have an effect on equality across continents?
- How will trust be built on the internet and who are the actors in this development?
- What impact will telecommuting have on society?
- What implications will the digital divide between countries and sectors in society (old and young people) have on the social relations?
- Will we ever be able to separate our personal lives from the internet or will it keep on following us?
- Internet will stimulate social interaction between people, but will this digital interactivity also lead to a significant decrease in verbal skills of people?
- Is internet sustainable or just a temporary tool?
- How soon and how radical will the device convergence for internet take place?
- How will grid computing evolve and change human endeavor?
- How will the speed of internet advance over the years and what other developments will result from this?
- Will wireless be reliable, secure and work with high bandwidth? When will it provide the same mobility for internet communications as we currently enjoy with cellular phones?
- How will internet stimulate information sharing about environmental issues in a way that the environment will benefit from it?
- How will local governments regulate the usage of the information that is available on the Internet?
- How will governments worlwide cooperate to set laws, regulations etc. for the Internet?
- How will governments approach the information misbalance of the world related to an unequal accessability of the Internet worldwide?
- Will trade be only made via the Internet?
- How will the availability and accessability of the Internet influence economic performance of countries?
Group 4
Group 5
Group 6