Student Scenarios

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Since 1996 post graduate MBA students have published scenarios on the future of the information society online as part of Daniel Erasmus's class on scenairo thinking at the various business schools in the world. These more than 60 scenarios sets are to be listed below and form a unique record of thinkig of how the perceptions of the information society evolved from a new technology, boom and bust. Many of the predictions, controvercial at their time, have proven to be accurate in retrospect.

If you have been involved in some of the processes, please add to this page to refect on how thinking in scenarios aided your decisionmaking since developing the scenarios.

Information Society

<a href="">· the information society 2005 (1998)</a>

<a href="">· ideas 2020 (1997)</a>

<a href="">· relationships 2020 (1997)</a>

<a href="">· distance education 2011 (1996)</a>

<a href="">· crime 2015 (1997) </a>

Internet Commerce

<a href="">· free internet service provision 2003 (1996)</a>

<a href="">· electronic cash 2006 (1996)</a>

<a href="">· </a><a href="">internet banking</a>


<a href="">· telcoms 2003 (1996) </a>

<a href="">· telecommunications 2015 (1997)</a>

Work and Organisation

<a href="">· organisations 2020 (1997)</a>

<a href="">· workspace 2010 (1997)</a>

<a href="">· branding 2005 (1999)</a>

<a href="">· </a><a href="">interpersonal communication</a>


<a href="../DTN/FutureTV.htm">· television in 2010 (2000)</a>

<a href="">· broadcast media in 2007 (1997) </a>

<a href="">· delivery of entertainment 2006 (1996)</a>


<a href="">· health in 2010 (1996)</a>

<a href="">· </a><a href="">genetic revolution</a>


<a href="">· childhood freedom in 2020 (2000) </a>

Industry Sectors

<a href="">· food retailing 2006 (1996)</a>

<a href="">· leisure 2010 (1999)</a>