Consumer forums

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Description: These are groups which shape policies and procedures that shape up the data protection usage in the advertising industry. The drive of the advertising industry towards a more personalized advertising future has prompted the emergence of these groups. Soon they will be powerful enough to shape policies and legislations.


Consumer Activitists. Technology allows consumers from different parts of the world to come together and discuss data protection rights over internet. Hence, Technology is definitely an enabler. Possible news about violation of consumer protection rights. Rise of governmental stake in shaping consumer policies.


Internet firms. Firms such as Google will lobby and use their clout among consumer right activitists and governmental groups for delaying the implementation of strict privacy laws. Advertising campaign itself! Internet firms may entice consumers to share personal information by offering freebies and by partially giving in to their right for data privacy.


You are not alone anywhere. Wherever you go Internet firms track you. Privacy is not private anymore. Others know more about you than you know. Standing up and demanding privacy rights via consumer forums are the right thing to do.


Governmental agencies, Consultants on privacy for internet firms, consumer groups.


Data privacy movement exists such as the world privacy form but we recon that it will peak around 2017-2018.