Increasing use of mobile phones as universal interface/controller

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The increasing use of mobile phones as universal interface/controller

This page is under construction by Daniel Peters EMBA09. In case of any questions/remarks or if you feel like sharing thoughts on the topic, by all means contact me.


Mobile phones are increasing in capabilities (processing power, WiFi capability, GPS, on-phone applications, etc.) and have turned into ‘mini computers’. Today’s mobile phone has processing power on par with that of early webservers [1]. It is conceivable that in the future, all household appliances are controlled through one single device, the mobile phone.



1. ToDo


At present, interaction with in-home appliances (TV, stove, microwave, fridge, ...), in-car appliances (navigation system, Audio/DVD player, airco, ...) and machines/equipment around us (ATM, supermarket scanner/checkout, train ticket machine, ...) is done through interfaces specific to those appliances: a TV has a remote, a microwave oven has a set of control buttons, a car has a control console, an ATM is controlled through the touchpad on the machine.

A phone-controlled appliance is one which doesn't have its own control panel, but is wirelessly connected to a user's mobile phone, which displays the control panel for the device. In a store a cutsomer purchases a ‘phone-controlled fridge/microwave/TV/espresso machine/'. All these appliances can wirelessly ‘connect’ with one another and with the user's phone. The appliance comes with software which is loaded onto the phone and with which the appliance can be controlled, removing the need for and interface on the appliance itself. This will lower the price of the appliance.


2010: ....

2015: ....

2020: ....

2025: ....



Web Resources

1. ToDo