Future of Sustainability 2030

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Welcome to the Future of Sustainability in 2030

Group Members

Yojiro Fukaya
Eric Lam
Ynzhu (Carrie) Ma
Hugh Malkin
Kay Mei Tan


"Meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

Research Questions

What is the history?
How did sustainability start?
What are the driving forces in the past?
Who/what does sustainability effect the most?
Who is the best/worst at sustainability?
How is sustainability measured?
Why does sustainability matter?
What is most important to sustain?
What does sustainability mean?
Do we need to be sustainability

How sustainability can effect on economy?
How sustainability can effect on our life?
Why do we need sustainability now?
What is the motivation for companies to work for sustainability?
How will growth in developing countries effect on sustainability?
Can technological development solve environmental issues dramatically?
What is the urgent issue relating to sustainability?
What can we do as a individual?

1. What is the purpose of sustainability? Why does it matter? What is it?
2. Is sustainability a slow or fast change? What changes are present day solutions and which are long-term solutions?
3. What is the balance of profits and sustainability?
4. What is the definition of Sustainability? Lifestyle, products, CO2?
5. Is less bad of sustainability actually good? What is the goal of sustainability? What is sufficient?
6. Are things really measureable?
7. Where should the solution come from? Is there a universal answer?

• Water: Is It the Key Limiting Factor? • What is sustainability? • What is the value of the global services for sustainability e.g. air and water purification, agricultural pollination, nutrient cycling, soil enrichment, climate stabilization, medicinal products and drought mitigation? • What would happen if we do not work on sustainability? • How much should be done? • Who should be responsible for sustainability e.g. government, individuals, country? • How bad is the current situation? • What happened if we slow growth? Does that mean that we do not need to work on sustainability?

Driving Forces

Name, description, enablers, inhibitors, paradigms, experts, timing, web resources








Affected by Intelligence, needs, and personality


Basic convictions
What is right, what is wrong
Value system
Terminal values and Instrumental values




Erasumus prof. Michael Braungart (co-author Cradle to Cradle)

Robert Rubinstien (Green Investment)

The Limits to Growth


Natural Capitalism
Limits to Growth
Triple Bottom Line

News Articles

New Green Business

Previous Scenarios