Increasing use of digital media on internet
Digital media is media that is represented as binary data(or digital format) and therefore can only be created, manipulated and displayed using digital equipment (like computers, digital cameras or MP3 players). Since the computational power of electronic devices has been increasing dramatically (as predicted by the Moore's law), the possibility of using digital devices for storage and processing digital media has become practical and therefore he digital media has become more accessible to computer users. In this context, it emerged media-streaming web sites and file-sharing applications have made the internet an ideal medium to spread digital media.
More information at wikipedia [1]
1. Increasing computation power
2. Increasing use of internet [2]
3. Increasing network bandwidth [3]
1. Increasing copyright issues
1. File sharing enables websurfers from all over the world to downlad music and videos from the internet
2. Pictures on paper are rarely seen today. Many people nowadays share their pictures using online photo album services
Karlheinz Brandenburg [4]
1972: Development of ARPANET, predecessor of nowadays internet
1988: first digital camera is developed
1989: The Internet is opened to commercial use
1990: The world Wide Web (WWW) is created
1992: The JPG image compression method is issued
1994: The Fraunhofer Society released the first software MP3 encoder
1997: The first digital aundio player is developed
1997: Nullsoft releases Winamp (first sofware enabling users to play back, create, share, and collect MP3)
1999: Napster is released
2003: Itunes music store is opened
2005: YouTube is founded
Web Resources:
1. Fraunhofer Society: developers of the MP3 format [5]
2. wikipedia on digital audio players [6]
3. YouTube: Video sharing service []
4. Napster Website - Formerly Roxio, Inc. [7]
5. The Napster Experience - netnographic research on file-sharing as a form of gift giving [8]
5. Official website of the Joint Photographic Experts Group [9]