Law, legislation and stakeholders of books

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  1. How is copyright regulation on books in the world (continent)?
  2. Are there any agreements on distribution of books and knowledge around the world (for ex. By the UN).
  3. What has changed in regulation in e-books?
  4. How are books censored over the past 10 years, and how (if it) is it done with e-books?
  5. Who are the big stakeholders in printing and publishing companies?
  6. What are the rights and ownerships of the authors?
  7. How is piracy being handled, and what has changed in the book piracy over the last 10 years?


Copyright regulations and treaties

How is copyright regulation on books in the world (continent)?

There is a world wide organisation that seeks to protect the (copy)rights of a number of types of intellectual property, see further on for more information on those types. The organisation is named WIPO, World Intellectual Property Organisation. It is an organisation that has its roots as far back as in the 1883. The history and all information can be found [here].

Types of intellectual property

  • novels, short stories, poems, plays;
  • songs, operas, musicals, sonatas; and
  • drawings, paintings, sculptures, architectural works.

Books in itself are however not mentioned. Copyrights are applicable to the contents of the books. This distinction is small, but then again, books in itself are not protected. But it is self evident that intellectual property is distributed using a book. Generally, most of the the IP's mentioned above are printed into books, otherwise it could hardly be of any use, how else will others know and learn about the knowledge?

  1. Are there any agreements on distribution of books and knowledge around the world (for ex. By the UN).
  1. What are the rights and ownerships of the authors?
  1. How are books censored over the past 10 years, and how (if it) is it done with e-books?
  1. Who are the big stakeholders in printing and publishing companies?
  1. How is piracy being handled, and what has changed in the book piracy over the last 10 years?
  2. What has changed in regulation in e-books?