Questions regarding the Future of Privacy

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A prime lesson learned in how to begin developing scenarios is "Know your stuff!!" Based on this, the following research questions were devised and (will be) answered. Split up into categories, they should give a covering background into the area of privacy, and particularly that of privacy in the information age.


  1. What laws are in place to control privacy? (Robert)
  2. Is it possible to change privacy laws / legislation? (technological, political / research etc) (Robert)
  3. What are the latest developments in privacy laws ? (Folkert)
  4. How are recent changes in privacy laws influenced / caused by new technologies. (Folkert)
  5. How often do privacy infringements take place? (Folkert)
  6. History

  7. What (global) historic events have led to privacy issues? (Folkert)
  8. When did privacy become an issue? (Robert)
  9. Who started private information? (Robert)
  10. IT

  11. What technology and technological solutions are there to maintain privacy? (Folkert)
  12. In what technological areas does privacy play a role? (Folkert)
  13. How is the ubiquity of computers influence privacy? (Folkert)
  14. What is the influence of social networks and privacy? (MSN Email Chat) (Folkert)
  15. Which malware infringes privacy (spam / popup / spyware) ? (Folkert)
  16. Blogs and privacy? (Folkert)
  17. Progress or regression of privacy in relation uprising of blogs and websites? (Folkert)
  18. Is the privacy issue larger in IT than in "real life"?
  19. How will the new passports influence privacy? (stealing, data easily) (Robert)
  20. What privacy issues are related to customer loyalty cards?
  21. How does the price reduction and convergence of cameras affect privacy? (Patrick)
  22. What is the influence of privacy on encryption algorithms?
  23. Does the progression of IT lead to easier stealing of private info? (Patrick)
  24. How much cyber crime is privacy related? (Robert)
  25. How does RFID, Galileo, GPS influence privacy? (Patrick)
  26. How is Google Earth viewed in regard to privacy? (Patrick)
  27. Satellite images and privacy? (Patrick)
  28. File Sharing trend and privacy issues?
  29. Environment

  30. How does money influences privacy? (Patrick)
  31. What factors are increasing or decreasing privacy? (Jurate)
  32. How many people are there on the world? (Divided by continents age and race)(Jurate)
  33. How does population diversity affects privacy? (Robert)
  34. Does culture affect privacy? (Robert)
  35. Reasons for privacy? (Patrick)
  36. What are the levels of privacy? (Jurate)
  37. What are the gains of privacy? (Jurate)
  38. Why is person x so interested in persons y's privacy? (Robert)
  39. What parties are involved in influencing privacy? (Patrick)
  40. Can corps. Influence privacy?
  41. What is done with privacy info? (Patrick)
  42. Effect of privacy on socialization?
  43. How big is the role that privacy is playing in defining living conditions? (housing, location etc)(Jurate)
  44. Reasoning for giving up privacy for entertainment? (Big Brother etc)(Jurate)
  45. Perception

  46. Difference in perception of privacy between male/female? (Robert)
  47. What do people deem private info? (Patrick)
  48. Can relationships be influenced by too much or too little privacy?(Jurate)
  49. What is the global understanding of privacy? (Robert)
  50. What is an acceptable level of privacy? (Jurate)
  51. How aware are people of what is stored about them? (Patrick)
  52. Relation between greed/curiosity and privacy? (the more private, the more interesting) (Jurate)
  53. Protection

  54. What methods exists to protect privacy?
  55. What are people willing to give up for privacy? (Jurate)
  56. Why do people want to give up privacy (security / anti-terror)? (Jurate)
  57. How aware are people of what they can do to protect their privacy?
  58. What is the correlation between privacy and security?
  59. How do people who have private info protect privacy?
  60. How is crime made easier by weak privacy protection?