Scenario 2: Internet TV dominantion

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With the increase of internet accessibility, increasing age span of internet user, more and more people have access to internet and also how to use internet. Due to these driving forcees, and the changing expectation of user/consumer, internet TV enter it first stage. Up till now, only few TV channels put their program on their website. Estimate is that within 2 years TV channels begins to put their programs online. However, we don’t expected that these programs are up-to-dated and only very recent programs can be download. To watch these TV shows, users need to download it from the internet and probably have to pay for it.

In 2008, most TV channels will put their programs on their websites with increasing web-service and functionality. Users get more up-to-date programs as well as past programs (for example all movies, news, cooking shows etc of the last week). To attract more watchers, some TV station may even let user download their programs without charging. In this period PVR (personal video recorder like Tivo) gain increase in awareness. More user get to know about PVR , buy it and use it to record TV programs for watch it later. Especially when they don’t have time to watch at the moment when it is broadcast.

Due to the improvement of technology and the trend of convergence of media-mix, where several devices are being developed into 1 single device, we expected this to be the case for TV. TV in 2010 may still look as an ordinary TV, but it can also connect to the internet and browse the web as well. It will become a some sort of personal computer, which it main focus to watch movies and browse internet for old or missed TV shows. Because of the possibility of interaction between user and TV channel, advertisements enter a new phase. TV channels now offer interactive commercials where “TV watchers” get present/gifts/reward if they watch the commercials and give the correct answer. At the same time, the number of user PVR will stop with increasing and stay at the same level. User can download it from the internet and will broader assortment, why bother to use PVR?

2012, Internet TV enters again another phase, a step closer to the maturity of Internet TV. Programs of TV channels are mostly online and free to download and watch by users. The movies are sponsor by advertiser all over the world, users from all over the world can watch the programs put online. Advertisements now have a much broader audience. Depending on the country, government control are becoming looser and looser. Few government control in content as well as distribution.

Year 2015 is a year of true revolution. Internet TV finally becomes mature. User can watch Internet TV now real time! TV station will never be the same as before. Role of TV station is now similar as provider to Google TV, Yahoo TV or other Internet TV provider. These Internet TV providers buy from the producer and put it online. User can watch TV shows across the world in real time!