The Globalization of Culture (or Cultural Globalization)
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- Anthropologists
- Unesco
Sources: Wikipedia and A quick guide to the world's history of globalization
- 1st centuries CE: an early form of globalization can be seen in the trade links between the Roman Empire, the Parthian empire, and the Han Dynasty. The increasing articulation of commercial links between these powers inspired the development of the Silk Road, which started in western China, reached the boundaries of the Parthian empire, and continued onwards towards Rome
- 650-850: the expansion of Islam from the western Mediterranean to India. Globally significant crops such as sugar and cotton became widely cultivated across the Muslim world in this period, while the necessity of learning Arabic and completing the Hajj created a cosmopolitan culture.
- 960-1279: the Song Dynasty in China (and contemporary regimes in India) which produced the economic output, instruments (financial), technologies, and impetus for the medieval world economy that linked Europe and China by land and sea across Eurasia and the Indian Ocean.
- 1100: The Rise of Genghis Khan and the integration of overland routes across Eurasia -- producing also a military revolution in technologies of war on horseback and of fighting from military fortifications.
- 1300: the creation of the Ottoman Empire spanning Europe, North Africa, and Middle East, and connected politically overland with Safavids and dynasties in Central Asia and India -- creating the great imperial arch of integration that spawned a huge expansion of trade with Europe but ALSO raised the cost for trade in Asia for Europeans ---
- 1492 and 1498: Columbus and da Gama travel west and east to the Indies, inaugurating an age of European seaborne empires.
- 1650: the expansion of the slave trade gave birth to integrated economic/industrial systems across the Ocean
- 1776/1789: US and French Revolutions mark the creation of modern state form based on alliances between military and business interests and on popular representation in aggressively nationalist governments. Imperial expansion under Napolean and in the Americas. The economic interests of "the people" and the drive to acquire and consolidate assets for economic growth also lead to more militarized British, Dutch, and French imperial growth in Asia.
- 1885: Treaties of Berlin mark a diplomatic watershed in the age modern imperial expansion by European and American overseas empires, beginning the age of "high imperialism" with the legalization of the Partition of Africa, which also marks a foundation-point for the creation of international law. In the last decades of the 19th century, the global "white man's burden" became a subject of discussion.
- 1929: the great depression hits all parts of the world at the same time Preceded by first event called World War and followed by first really global war across Atlantic and Pacific.
- 1950: decolonization of European empires in Asia and Africa produces world of national states for the first time and world of legal-representative-economic institutions in the UN system and Bretton Woods.
- 20th century: globalization in the middle decades of the twentieth century was largely driven by the global expansion of multinational corporations based in the United States and the worldwide export of American culture through the new media of film, television and recorded music. Progress in communication and transport technology has enabled us to overcome geographical boundaries and revolutionize our way of living.
- 1989: the end of the cold war and globalization of post-industrial capitalism appears to be eroding the power of the national states.
- In late 2000s, much of the industrialized world entered into a deep recession. Some analysts say the world is going through a period of deglobalization after years of increasing economic integration. Up to 45% of global wealth had been destroyed by the global financial crisis in little less than a year and a half.
- In 2010 various programming agencies get together to formulate alternatives to US entertainment. By 2015 90% of the programming around the world is expected to be originating from the US.
Web Resources
1. Globalization of Culture - to what End? A "Marxisit" (i.e. critical) View of the problem
2. The International Intellectual Property Alliance (IIPA) is a private sector coalition formed in 1984 to represent the U.S. copyright-based industries in bilateral and multilateral efforts to improve international protection of copyrighted materials.
3. To see UNESCO’s view on the subject
4. About Indigenous languages under threat
5. Academic paper by John Thomlinson discussing views on cultural globalization