Sources of Profit are changing

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The sources of profit are changing in TV industry. As I analyzed in the research questions concerned with profit, the traditional ways of earning revenues in TV is advertisement, to be exactly, one way advertisement that audience in front of TV set passively accept whatever is showing on TV. Such kind of advertisement is confronted with a downside profit earning, that old TV industry can't back up itself with one way advertisement for a long time in the future. New profits may catch audience's eyes from television to other medias, like Internet TV, where the profits can be explored.


  • Profits from traditional advertisements are decreasing in almost each area of the world.
  • New forms of advertisement based on other medias are coming up to challenge current TV industry.
  • Inhibitors

    It could be other channels existing or potentially emerging that also provide interation with audience. For example, mobile TV is an alternative, which allows users to watch TV and provide fee of commertial services directly through mobiles. Even the enjoying feeling of watching TV can't be regarded the same as watching real TV through television set or PC, the convience and mature payment network exceed the situation in Internet TV. Whatever, mobile TV and Internet both need more technical maturity and market acceptance.


    Innovative forms of profit are created based on more variable medias. Advertisements are diversified and audience participate and enjoy commertials while disclose their preference to ad makers and marketers to provide them more opportunities for new profit sources creation.


    Supported by front edge advertisement makers, who are running interactive commertials to get large margin.


    The change in profit resources is under way nowdays. It is probable within a few years that a quite larger amount of advertisements is distributed through more variable medias and in the form of two way communications.

    Web Resources

    Please refer to my WIKI of profit research question in Internet TV.