The increasing role of barter in the global economy

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This page is created by Wendi Mennen


To barter is to 'trade goods or services without the exchange of money.'

Barter is as old as human kind. Barter existed before money, and will allways find a place in the market. Although money takes an important place in trade, barter still exists and is used a lot in business. Furthermore, barter is used often in situations were using money is a risky business, especially in trade with countries whose currency is not stable.

For centuries, barter has been an effective way for businesses to work together. It used to be “direct trade” when people swapped one thing for another. However, since not all direct trades are done of equal value (not to mention the challenge of finding someone who has what you need and wants what you have), modern day barter has evolved considerably to become a proven method of increasing sales, conserving cash, moving inventory, and making use of excess production capacity for businesses around the world. (

Here is a short list of some things commonly bartered for; hotels and resort accomodations, advertising of all kinds, website hosting, computer hardware and software, origional and printed art, real estate, home improvement, household items, house cleaning, hand made crafts, jewelry, books, CDs, movies, day care, yard work, printing services for business cards and brochures, etc. etc (

The World Trade Organization estimates that 15% or $8.43 billion of the $5.62 trillion in international trade is conducted on a non-cash basis.


  • The increasing use of Internet can provide the challenge to find somebody who is willing to barter.
  • The increasing unstability of the US dollar according to Euro and Yen.
  • Increasing globalization of the markets The increasing globalization of markets
  • Technology to find the barter trade like Internet, and eBay like sites.


  • The use of less currencies, for example forming of the Euro, countries use USD instead of own currency
  • New laws which sets rules to barter
  • Stability of the financial marketes.


The value and use of money diminishes.

Revolution in the monetary systems and use of money.




The role of Barter is increasing, and will increase in the next years. The trend will continue the next decades.

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