Google's technological innovation and R&D

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As stated by Google's corporate philosophy, "This constant dissatisfaction with the way things are is ultimately the driving force behind the world's best search engine."[1] And as we can see, since the birthday of Google, its technological exploration and innovation has never been ended.


Google's innovative ambition

"Co-founders Larry E. Page and Sergey Brin have long declared their mission is to "organize the world's information." Currently, Google is moving to digitize the world's libraries, to offer all comers free voice calls, to provide satellite images of the world, and perhaps to give away wireless broadband service to millions of people. Google really seems to believe it can make every bit of information available to anyone anywhere, and direct all those bits -- whether text, audio, or video -- through its computers before they hit users' brains."[2]

Corporate policy to make sure good ideas bubble up

One of the key reasons for Google's success is its belief that good ideas can, and should, come from anywhere. Page and Brin insist that all engineers in the company have one day a week free to work on their own "pet projects". An ideas mailing list is also available to anyone at Google who wants to post an interesting proposal. Therefore, all brand new ideas and innovative thoughts are being paid sufficient attention.


Over expansion to almost all search related service direction

Since its successful IPO in 2004, Google has sufficient capital to invest new services like Google News, Goolge Moblie, Google Transit and even Google Mars. However, Google has expanded into nearly every major service that are previously provided by other Internet companies and even traditional companies like CNN and BBC. This kind of over expansion may incubate great ideas and some of these new services may survive after fierce competition which already existed in current market, but it seems quite low efficient and does not show that Goolge has a concentrated and focused view of its R&D direction.


Due to Goolge's innovative brand image, newly introduced services can be popularly spread among existing user base. So now, both Google fans and non-Google fans are becoming more involved in the all-round search engine related services provided by Google itself. People are basically changing their viewpoint towards internet which now is becoming converged into only one super



Web Resources:
