What are the economic trends and how can it impact advertising?

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Trends in Economy: (Source: Faith Popcorn's Popcorn report 1996)

     Anchoring - The tendency to use ancient practices as anchors or support for modern lifestyles: aromatherapy, meditation, yoga, & Eastern religions.
     Being Alive - The desire to lead longer and more enjoyable lives: vegetarianism, low-tech medicine, mediation.
     Cashing out - The desire for a simpler, less hectic lifestyle. A nostalgic return to small-town values.
     Clanning - The need to join groups in order to confront a more chaotic world: Harley-Davidson抯 Harley Owners Group (Hog).
     Cocooning - The impulse to stay inside when outside gets too tough and scary: redecorating, watching TV & rental movies, ordering from catalogs.
     Down-Aging � The tendency for older people to act and feel younger than their ages: youthful clothes and hair coloring, adult toys, adventure vacations.
     Egonomics梩he wish to individualize oneself through passions & experience: customized goods, services, experiences.
     Fantasy Adventure - The need to find emotional escapes: safari vacations, exotic foods.
     99 Lives - Doing many things at once, 搈ultitasking�: cluster marketing enterprises-all-in one service stops.
     S.O.S. (Save our Society) - The desire to make society more socially responsible: education, ethics, the environment.
     Female Think - The recognition that men and women act and think differently.
     Mancipation - The emancipation of men from stereotypical male roles of being macho and strong, and instead showing them as nurturing dads and concerned husbands.
     Small Indulgences - The desire to indulge in small-scale splurges to obtain an occasional emotional lift.
     Pleasure Revenge - The proud and public pursuit of pleasure as a rebellion against self-control and self-deprivation.
     Icon Toppling - The return to interest in smaller and more local organization and products.
     The Vigilant Consumer - Intolerance for shoddy products and poor service.