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- 02:51, 30 August 2010 diff hist +852 Talk:Acid Rain →described uneasiness fallen murthered: new section
- 02:50, 30 August 2010 diff hist +759 Talk:Increasing user-generated content →accompanying past uphold torch: new section
- 02:48, 30 August 2010 diff hist +840 Talk:Increasing user-generated content →shouted resin quarry panic: new section
- 02:42, 30 August 2010 diff hist +870 Talk:Increasing user-generated content →humble unhappy pine crops: new section
- 02:40, 30 August 2010 diff hist +850 Talk:Increased environmental degradation in China →offender exploit ours hangings: new section
- 02:34, 30 August 2010 diff hist +865 Talk:Aging Europe →disbursement tremendous exhorted starlit: new section
- 02:34, 30 August 2010 diff hist +830 Talk:Increased environmental degradation in China →perform phrase humbled minster: new section
- 02:33, 30 August 2010 diff hist +731 Talk:Increased environmental degradation in China →wickedly ring uncouth dissolute: new section
- 02:32, 30 August 2010 diff hist +755 Talk:Aging Europe →dying sangre gutturally explaining: new section
- 02:27, 30 August 2010 diff hist +894 Talk:Aging Europe →amiably bitten clearer sweep: new section
- 02:25, 30 August 2010 diff hist +869 Talk:Acid Rain →plot katrin outlaw heap: new section
- 02:17, 30 August 2010 diff hist +756 Talk:Acid Rain →goes surrendering explain goals: new section
- 02:15, 30 August 2010 diff hist +832 Talk:Acid Rain →infant precariously ripening banished: new section
- 02:14, 30 August 2010 diff hist +857 Talk:Increasing user-generated content →victory dings mutually danger: new section
- 02:12, 30 August 2010 diff hist +837 Talk:Increasing user-generated content →purest afeard gnawing showed: new section
- 02:06, 30 August 2010 diff hist +729 Talk:Increasing user-generated content →scare placed testified dairy: new section
- 02:04, 30 August 2010 diff hist +851 Talk:Increased environmental degradation in China →sombrely words barely sunburned: new section
- 01:58, 30 August 2010 diff hist +716 Talk:Aging Europe →prudence reminding endeavouring madman: new section
- 01:58, 30 August 2010 diff hist +756 Talk:Increased environmental degradation in China →hard resulted sullenness haven: new section
- 01:56, 30 August 2010 diff hist +846 Talk:Increased environmental degradation in China →tepid avail countrymen stooped: new section
- 01:55, 30 August 2010 diff hist +826 Talk:Aging Europe →vibrant decline costa spared: new section
- 01:50, 30 August 2010 diff hist +874 Talk:Aging Europe →furling rights heights rocking: new section
- 01:48, 30 August 2010 diff hist +865 Talk:Acid Rain →compensation clarion horn majestic: new section
- 01:41, 30 August 2010 diff hist +895 Talk:Acid Rain →darkness reappeared garlands slave: new section
- 01:39, 30 August 2010 diff hist +891 Talk:Acid Rain →weavers preparing rowed tones: new section
- 01:38, 30 August 2010 diff hist +862 Talk:Increasing user-generated content →grumbling butcher candies believed: new section
- 01:36, 30 August 2010 diff hist +889 Talk:Increasing user-generated content →inestimable females considerably beakhead: new section
- 01:31, 30 August 2010 diff hist +867 Talk:Increasing user-generated content →batteries believed buying knowing: new section
- 01:29, 30 August 2010 diff hist +887 Talk:Increased environmental degradation in China →acts monsieur heady sketched: new section
- 01:23, 30 August 2010 diff hist +896 Talk:Aging Europe →struggle reasoning quell booming: new section
- 01:23, 30 August 2010 diff hist +897 Talk:Increased environmental degradation in China →improving mothering license discarded: new section
- 01:21, 30 August 2010 diff hist +848 Talk:Increased environmental degradation in China →until judge keenness mildly: new section
- 01:20, 30 August 2010 diff hist +838 Talk:Aging Europe →contempt signed fury male: new section
- 01:15, 30 August 2010 diff hist +905 Talk:Aging Europe →academical breath forgo push: new section
- 01:12, 30 August 2010 diff hist +769 Talk:Acid Rain →overwhelm deadlier glutting trades: new section
- 01:05, 30 August 2010 diff hist +810 Talk:Acid Rain →vanity paled toast judges: new section
- 01:03, 30 August 2010 diff hist +909 Talk:Acid Rain →stir copies ounds obviously: new section
- 01:01, 30 August 2010 diff hist +755 Talk:Increasing user-generated content →leastways hailing ranges different: new section
- 01:00, 30 August 2010 diff hist +859 Talk:Increasing user-generated content →quartered wondered matted kneeling: new section
- 00:54, 30 August 2010 diff hist +852 Talk:Increasing user-generated content →deplore mercy horses upside: new section
- 00:52, 30 August 2010 diff hist +886 Talk:Increased environmental degradation in China →devon ideas instrument uppermost: new section
- 00:46, 30 August 2010 diff hist +846 Talk:Aging Europe →doubted homeless hooves cement: new section
- 00:46, 30 August 2010 diff hist +835 Talk:Increased environmental degradation in China →hereditary copiously ascertain deviltry: new section
- 00:44, 30 August 2010 diff hist +742 Talk:Increased environmental degradation in China →jeremy recklessly rico paralyzed: new section
- 00:43, 30 August 2010 diff hist +743 Talk:Aging Europe →gratify persistent potato offices: new section
- 00:38, 30 August 2010 diff hist +866 Talk:Aging Europe →sheet compact allusions handsacross: new section
- 00:36, 30 August 2010 diff hist +870 Talk:Acid Rain →heartily slatting witch confusing: new section
- 00:29, 30 August 2010 diff hist +772 Talk:Acid Rain →carlisle military meat intermittent: new section
- 00:27, 30 August 2010 diff hist +882 Talk:Acid Rain →werrington ribbons wives furrow: new section
- 00:26, 30 August 2010 diff hist +899 Talk:Increasing user-generated content →foetid anew mowed unpublished: new section