Road map to Communication 2015

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Research questions

Research question - communication 2015

Driving Forces

Increasing Fear of Sabotage on internet

Increase the connectivity between human and media

Convergence of all media to IP network

Governmental Control of the Internet

The Increase in the speed of internet connection

The Increase in ubiquity of the internet

increase in teleworking


Improvement Nano/Biotechnology

Growing of closed community

Disappearance of "family"

Systems diagram

Based on a first brainstorm session a prelimiary system diagram has been drawn

Initial system diagram communication 2015.jpg

further developed into this final picture
System diagram communication 2015.jpg

Key Certainties and Uncertainties

From the systems diagram and the links between the various elements of the system the following set of key certainties and key uncertainties was derived. Taking into account are also the strength of the links and the number of links between the various elements. Grouping certain elements on a higher aggregate level gave us a better overview and understanding to the (un)certainties:

Relative certainties

- Increase of ubiquity/availability/speed of internet
Globalization: increasing interdependancy among people/countries and flow of information/goods/people
- Different media will converge to one infrastructure (IP Network) which means that cost of communication will decrease
- Improvement in nano/biotechnology will happen

Key uncertainties

- The extent to which one lives its life on line (This is going to redefine all elements in the systems diagram that relate to family/human relations)
- Are new boundaries going to be raised to prevent globalisation, are we moving towards a global village or to new nationalism (new protectionism and governmental control) or will there be a building of "closed communities"?
- Speed of convergence is not clear, level of adoption of new technologies is unclear and there may be difficulties in managing the flow of information
- Increased connectivity human/media will lead to all kinds of issues such as privacy and genetic issues

Research Documentation

The future technological development in internet

Pause or Play? The Future of Interactive Services for TV
Accenture white paper

Path to Profitability: How Cable Companies can Achieve Attractive Returns on iTV Services
another Accenture white paper

Internet: The fear of sabotage
NIC 2020 report :see pag 97

Governamental control on media and communication
ECHELON America's Secret Global Surveillance Network

Freeband Communication is a Dutch national research program aiming to create a leading knowledge position for the Netherlands in the area of ambient, intelligent communication.

Personal Networking Pilot 2008
link to: PNP 2008

Identification in the virtual reality
Identity 2.0

Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of Nanotechnology

Foresight Institute: Preparing for Nanotechnology

Nanotechnology by dr. Ralph Merkle

About Nanotechnology