Consumer's ability to skip adds

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o Ubiquity : With forecast billion mobile devices in use by 2007, the 'anytime anywhere' advatages of mobile services are very apparent

o Immediacy : Information can be accessed, delivered and acted upon in real time by the user without the start-up time required for a desktop PC

o Personalization : Mobiles are now personal accessories, capable of holding data and enabling access to information and services which can be tailored to the needs of the individual

o Localization : Recognising where the user is located and matching information or services to that location adds a unique value to mobile services

o Convergence : Thechnological capabilities that can be deployed on the move are rapidly blurring the distinction between mobile phones and PCs. Ongoing advances in sophistication, functionality and personalisation will continue to sustain handset renewal


o Design and potable size(Display,resolution,memory.os) o Usability(Input/output device) ㅇCapability(speed),multi task)and interface with another product


People to communication and entertain something to spend a lot of time to use mobile phone anywhere and anytime grows rapidly


Support from LGE, SSE, NOKIA


Since last 4 years,camera phone launched Convergence phone Mega trend

Web Resources: