The rise of Chinese economy

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1. Description

Since the open policy Deng xiao ping launched in late 1970s, China has grown in economy and political power. In 2001, China joined the WTO. This gave China more opportunities in terms of market expansion and favorable trade terms. From the viewpoint of both supply and demand, China has a potential to be the number 1 country; It has 1.3 billion people with the per capita income of $5,000 in 2003 and it is still growing. It is producing low price products to be exported to other countries with the help of its vast labor forces. Annual rate of economic growth was expected 9% for the last 2 decades

2. Enablers


3. Inhibitors


4. Paradigms


5. Experts


6. Timing

- Nov 1989 : the fall of Berlin wall - Jan 1991 : the 1st Gulf war - Nov 1991 : U.S.-led UN sanction on the former Yugoslavia - Dec 1991 : demise of the Soviet Union - Oct 1993 : Battle of Mogadishu - July 1997 : Return of HongKong - May 1999 : Bobming of Chinese embassy in Belgrade by a NATO aircraft - Apr 2001 : A U.S. spyplane collided with a Chinese F-8 fighter jet - Dec 2001 : China joined the WTO

7. Web Resources
