Slumdog Millionaire

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Western Economies will stay skeptical to new technologies no matter how revolutionary they may be, due to difficulties to change, given the size of their organizations, but also due to risks and concerns about costs and investment. Therefore, they prefer evolutionary development based on current standards and technologies.

Collaborative workplaces will be developed, more social software being implemented within the organization, with the emphasis on remote work and mobility empowered by wireless capabilities. Enterprises will adopt an open approach to innovation. Certain techniques, like crowdsourcing, will be applied to trigger the creation of new technologies by inviting customers to collaborate through the Internet. The involvement of customers will also trigger new marketing strategies that involve customer blogging and social networking.

More and more outsourcing and off-shoring will be done to India and to similar IT-driven emerging economies. Due to this situation, BRIC economies will continuously experience great economic growth and eventually reach the level of western economies. When such a situation happens, based on their superior IT knowledge and experience, the BRIC countries may start pursuing a competitive path against western enterprises and push towards revolutionary change in the Enterprise IT technology.


Time Frame

1. The first 2 Years (2009-2010)

2. The next 5 Years (2011-2015)

3. The last 10 Years (2016-2026)