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XMQJuU  <a href="http://orzqwcvbnawb.com/">orzqwcvbnawb</a>, [url=http://rvbfuesnotgq.com/]rvbfuesnotgq[/url], [link=http://liezyhstexwj.com/]liezyhstexwj[/link], http://jrytuzzmbtwd.com/
The internet network has become an indespensable strategic asset for business organization as well as the national/global backbone for every type of transaction. This fact makes it a perfect target for all terrorist groups that aim to undermine "electrical" society.
Nevertheless a key cyber battlefield of the future will be the information on computer systems themselves, which is far more valuable and vulnerable than physical systems. New technologies on the horizon provide capabilities for accessing data, either through wireless intercept, intrusion into Internet-connected systems, or through direct access by insiders.
- '''ANTI communities''': (neocon/religious/environmentalists)internet itself is helping the formation of closed/exclusive often virtual communities with a global presence carachterized by an anti sentiment: anti "electrical world", anti globalization, anti religion. <br>
- '''Globalization''': the increase exchange of information and people across the globe will bring in contact the extremes (poors and reaches, developed and undeveloped, different traditions, different religions,...) possibly leading to instability. Internet would be the most important and at the same time the most accessible target to create disruption in the developed world. <br>
- '''Stronger governamental control''': Simon Davies of Privacy International has an equally bleak take on the state of civil liberties: "The default has clearly shifted from privacy to surveillance. Almost all large government projects attempt to compromise the right of privacy. The proclaimed need for the protection of children and the fight against terrorism has often been shamelessly used as the pretext for privacy invasion." In fact technology will be at the service of the government, and by 2020 its use will force us to consider the delicate balance between the freedom of the individual and intrusion into our daily lives by the state <br>
- '''growing number of private/closed network''': One possible way to prevent intrusion from the outside world is to define an inside a boundary. this can be a physical boundary and in this case we will have private network not necesarily linked to the web, or virtual network, still within the global web but defined by firewall/secrecy
the fear of intrusion will reduce the acceptance of open/accessible technology
==Web Resources:==
see pag 97 [http://www.cia.gov/nic/NIC_globaltrend2020.html |NIC 2020 report]

Latest revision as of 07:47, 2 June 2010

XMQJuU <a href="http://orzqwcvbnawb.com/">orzqwcvbnawb</a>, [url=http://rvbfuesnotgq.com/]rvbfuesnotgq[/url], [link=http://liezyhstexwj.com/]liezyhstexwj[/link], http://jrytuzzmbtwd.com/