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Q:What is web2.0? Why web2.0? What is Internet TV? A: Web 2.0 is an Improvement process of Web but not the Innovation mainly because it still base on the platform of 4C architechure which are Content, Communication, Community, and Commerce。

"Web 2.0, according to 2005 conference sponsor Tim O'Reilly, is an "architecture of participation" -- a constellation made up of links between web applications that rival desktop applications, the blog publishing revolution and self-service advertising. This architecture is based on social software where users generate content, rather than simply consume it, and on open programming interfaces that let developers add to a web service or get at data. It is an arena where the web rather than the desktop is the dominant platform, and organization appears spontaneously through the actions of the group, for example, in the creation of folksonomies created through tagging."

The theory has been percolating for some time. But it intensified last year when O'Reilly published an essay on the topic, as well as a graphic outlining the key categories of this new medium.


Q:What is the difference between the current Internet and Web2.0? A: Ross Mayfield, the CEO of SocialText, a company that sells collaborative wiki software to enterprises and that is hosting the Web 2.0 wiki, had a simpler definition for conference goers. "Web 1.0 was commerce. Web 2.0 is people," Mayfield said.


Q:What will happen with the key players of the normal TV? A:

What's your first impression of trandition TV network? Could it be a company that might offer you hundreds of channels you'll never watch, you would be able to select what you want and watch it on your own schedule. If the answer is Yes, you have the the great oppotunity to free from all of these now!

For production companies that do not own any network, they have new better way of distribution now. It won't be any issue due to the rapid develolpment broadband recently. In this case, the internet is a direct way to reach viewers for these independent film makers. Some famous producers are turning to the internet not just for marketing but to deliver a whole television series.

Video delivered over the internet, which has been embraced by media and internet giants such as Viacom and Yahoo, is quickly shaping up as a way for smaller producers to reach an audience without having to cut deals with movie studios and the big networks that are the traditional gatekeepers of television.

Anyone who wanna stay in the business, they must pay more attention to Internet TV. TV program will be viewed on mobile device suh like Cellphone and iPod video and PDAs. That implies the patten of TV shows will reshaped and better suited for an online audience. For instance, shorter, interactive

However, the story telling is still the king of the show and these trandition networks have the capability of this aspect. Nobody will listen if can't tell a good story.


Q:how will TV be connected with other medias, like blog, cell phone, HDTV, digital TVs recorders/ digital video recorders(PVR/DVR) incorporated with Internet TV?

A: The trend is that internet TV service that empowers video producers and programmers to build broadband businesses while giving viewers more choices and control over their use of video and television. But What will be the role of the device/service provider (For example: Apple - iTune Music Store, Tivo - Video On Demand Service, Google - Google Video search engine, or other niche S/W providers) ?

Apple Computer, which has changed the music industry with its iPod music players and iTunes music store, is trying to do the same thing in the video market. Earlier it introduced an iPod that plays videos, and launched a department in its iTunes store that sells episodes of popular TV shows, such as "Desperate Housewives" and "Lost," along with a handful of animated short films and music videos. All video offerings sell for $1.99 apiece. While the iTunes video library is limited today, it's clear that Apple's approach is shaking up the entertainment industry and a new distribution model is emerging for video.

DVR: digital TVs recorders/ digital video recorders(PVR/DVR) the enabler of providing on-demand programming

Blog: demassify/demassification media focus on specific certain customers

mass media (traditional media)

Driving Force 1. the driving force of the Internet TV is advertising. The advertising model is extremely simple and very attractive: You simply put your 30 second commercial in front of the video. For example: Google Video head Jennifer Feikin said at a conference that video content would be offered on a pay-per-view model, with content owners setting the price. And in April, when the company solicited videos from users, uploaders were asked to tag the files with a per-view price. Brightcove's system combines software tools for producing and distributing video with methods for making money.
