What are interesting technologies for improving the way Enterprise IT is applied
Most near-future technologies related to Enterprise IT are to a great extent also related to Enterprise 2.0 and adjacent standards. Improvements to existing Enterprise IT therefore include social enhancements such as blogs, wikis, RSS, podcasting, social networking and bookmarking, all representing a system of web-based technologies part of the Web 2.0 standards that are meant to provide rapid and agile collaboration, information sharing, emergence and integration capabilities. The Semantic Web extension to the World Wide Web provides further aid and development by its powerful methods to enhance relationships and collaborative working groups. Furthermore, developments in Cloud Computing and Service-Oriented Architecture aim towards the concept of Everything-as-a-Service that includes software, communication, infrastructure and platforms, turning the Internet into a broad and rich solution for all enterprise needs. Developments in Mobile (Internet) Technology have a significant impact too, by adding mobility features and solutions to enterprise.